Hoy/Scott Watershed Society Featured in Virtual Watershed Tour

Thanks to the Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable (CRWR) and their Virtual Watershed Tour held in honour Rivers Day on Sept 27, Hoy Creek Hatchery, and the work of volunteers of the Hoy/Scott Watershed were highlighted. Featured in the video is Society president, Robbin Whachell, and Society VP and hatchery manager, Tyler Storogaard.

The film premiere promotion states, ”One of the best ways of emoting concerns for the watershed is by getting out and forming a connection with it. In the past, the Roundtable has been proud to host tours of the Lower Coquitlam River Watershed in an effort to strengthen community bonds to the land. In the face of COVID, we have had to change the way we deliver our public programming to maintain a safe physical distance. So, this year our Coordinator, Sharee Dobowits visited eight great spots in the watershed and had the tour filmed so that viewers can check out the sites on their own. Each stop features a local expert who touches on the work s/he does, conservation concerns for the area and how you can get involved! A huge thank you to the production partners, ArtsConnect, Tri-City Community Television and Babylon Film Studios and sponsors, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Lehigh Hanson Materials Ltd. for making this project possible!β€œ

Watch the other seven videos on the CRWR Youtube page.