Surplus Coho Fry Released

Matt nets some Coho fry to release into the creek.

On June 29, Hoy Creek Hatchery held approximately 8,405 coho fry.

Hoy-Scott Watershed Society's annual aquaculture license with federal fisheries allows us to incubate up to 25,000 eggs but only release 5,000 1-year-old Coho smolts from that brood year in May.

Any excess are released to other creek areas. From those locations, the Coho fry can make use of the habitat, grow and eventually make their way out to the ocean to complete their lifecycle.

Transport bin.

Matt releasing fish into the stream.

HSWS volunteers Tyler Storgaard and Matthew Watts weighed and counted out our surplus fry (5,265), loaded up the truck for transport and released them at 8 different locations along Hoy and Scott creeks. The fry weighed approximately 3.5 grams and are about 5 months old.

The remaining hatchery fry will be transferred to the rearing pond at Hoy Creek and will remain there until they will be released at our Salmon Leave Home event in May 2024.